Dahboard Eksekutif sebagai Media Koordinasi dan Monitoring Kegiatan untuk Peningkat Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah
Dahboard Eksekutif sebagai Media Koordinasi dan Monitoring Kegiatan untuk Peningkat Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah
Pekalongan City Government continues to strive to improve good governance in maximizing theuse of Information Technology, this is evidenced by the participation of the Pekalongan City
Government in the Movement Towards 100 Smart City programs. One effort that can be made to
optimize the use of information technology is the executive dashboard for monitoring RT / RW
activities. In 2019, Pekalongan City has 340 RW and 1660 RT. The existence of this executive
dashboard application can optimize the role of RT and RW and all information at the lower level
can be obtained immediately, such as information on population data, submission of grants and
assistance, and others. The information in the monitoring dashboard is the realtime data that
currently exists. This research will make a dashboard monitoring RT / RW activities with a
prototype model approach. The prototype model and Joint Application Development (JAD) are the
most widely used models in creating executive dashboards. The research steps started from data
collection, data analysis, application design, application development and testing. From the data
collected, a functional and non-functional requirements analysis process was carried out. After
that the application design process is carried out and conti nued with the design implementation in
the application development process. Then from the results of the Alpha Test and Beta Test, the
application can work according to functional and non-functional needs. In the future, this
application prototype can be developed in conjunction with the One Data application in Dinas
Komunikasi dan Informatikan (Diskominfo) Pekalongan City.
Keywords: Executive dashboard, smart city, prototype.