Pemanfaatan PIECES Framework untuk Analisa Sistem Informasi Reservasi Destinasi Wisata di Kota Pekalongan
Pemanfaatan PIECES Framework untuk Analisa Sistem Informasi Reservasi Destinasi Wisata di Kota Pekalongan
The Tourist Destination Reservation Information System in Pekalongan City is an application that functioned as a medium for booking online travel tickets, managing tourist destination income, displaying tourist locations, tourist details and the amount of visitors to tourist destinations. To find out whether an information system is running as expected, an evaluation process of the performance of the information system is needed. In conducting the analysis and evaluation of the information systems, there are several methods or analytical models that can be used, one of them is the PIECES Framework analysis model. The variabels used in the Pieces Framework are performance, information, economics, control, efficiency and service. The purpose of this research is to measure the level of satisfaction, identify weaknesses and strengths as well as analyze the components needed to improve the service quality of the Tourist Destination Reservation Information System in Pekalongan City. Based on the results of calculations and analyzes that have been carried out using the Pieces Framework, the results show that the performance variabels are in the satisfied category, while for the information, economics, control, efficiency and service variabels are in the very satisfied category. By these results it can be concluded that the Tourist Destination Reservation Information System in Pekalongan City is well accepted by users and has been running properly.